
Robert Hoffmann

Master of  Fine Arts, Applied Design and Communication Design

born in 1982

For the Artist Superimposition – Deconstruction – Diffusion are taking centerstage . In the context of his studio practice, Robert Hoffmann devotes himself to the dissolution of the visible and the coherent. With his works, the artist emphasizes the interplay of contemporary constructions of reality, utopias and dystopias on the basis of social themes and material-specific deepenings. His perspectives focus on social causalities and contrasts – structures of a cultural landscape shaped by social media.

Robert Hoffmann spans spaces of thought, emotion and memory in order to
to open up levels of socio-political reflection with the means of his almost sculptural and at the same time subtractive painting.

His thematic portfolio ranges from political events to Christian iconographies, art historical references moments of reflection on memory and moments of reflection on the culture of remembrance. The superimposition and diffuseness of motifs and materials as well as the technical richness enable multifaceted starting points for contemplation of content and aesthetic enjoyment for the viewer

                                                                                Dr. Ina Jessen